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Advanced AuDiology

9160B Wiles Rd
Coral Springs, FL
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Dr. Marifran Crosley Ramaglia, owner of Advanced AuDiology, is a certified and licensed Doctor of Audiology. She is a certified member of American Speech, Language and Hearing Association as well as a member of the American Academy of Audiology. Dr. Marifran obtained her Doctor of Audiology (Au.D) from the University of Florida (2004). She graduated from the University of South Florida with a Master's degree in Audiology (1992) and a Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences & Disorders with a minor in American Sign Language also from the University of South Florida (1990). Dr. Marifran Ramaglia has 13 years experience as an educational audiologist and has also worked as a clinical audiologist since 1994, providing comprehensive diagnostic audiology services in various medical settings, ENT clinics, hospitals as well as private practice offices giving her the experience of working with a wide variety of patient populations. She also has over 20 years of experience in rehabilitation, including dispensing hearing aids, counseling and patient education.


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