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From Our Blog:
Finding The Best Pediatric Clinic
Pediatric clinics are the best place to take your child for any sort of medical care that they may require. You will likely choose a pediatrician when your child is an infant, and if you like the clinic and the doctor then they may continue going to that particular clinic until they are 21 years old. Most of the pediatric clinics will see patients until they are either 18 or 21 years old. If... Continue Reading

Holt Chiropractic

1900 Lamy Lane Suite A
Monroe, LA
Get Directions

(318) 322-2639
Our specialties include 5 years & up, all ages, chiropractic physicians, consultations, family dentistry, geriatric counseling, injury therapy, insurance claims filed for you, joint therapy, lower back pain, neck pain whiplash, numbness, nutrition counseling, nutritional consultations, nutritional counseling, on- site x- rays physical therapy modalities , over 5000 satisfied patients treated , palmer graduate, pinched nerves, posture problems, sciatica, shoulder pain, strength training, stress, stretching, tmj, traction, weight training, work rehabilitation and youth. Our preferred brands include gianpaulo. We can assist you with arthritis, back pain due to pregnancy, bring us your accident report, and let us give you , carpal tunnel, convenient location, fibromyalgia, friendly office staff, gentle effective care, headaches, hip knee ankle pain, insurance claims filed for you, lawyers refer to him, little or no waiting to be seen , low back pain, massage therapist on staff, minor accidents cau, minor accidents cause pain too!!! , most insurance pays for treatment through our office , neck pain whiplash, new patients seen the same day, numbness, on site x- rays physical therapy modalities , palmer graduate, the founding school of chiropractic , pinched nerves, sciatica, shoulder pain, stress and tmj. In practice since 1990. Auto accident???, the right chiropractor for you!. Open for business open monday-friday, and saturday by appointment.


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