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Ming's Clinic of Acupuncture

1842 Beacon St Suite 401b
Brookline, MA
Get Directions

(617) 278-9988

Helping our customers in chinese and english. We accept money orders and personal checks for payment. Our specialties include acupuncture, chinese herbal medicine and facial rejuvenation. National certification commission for acupuncture and oriental medicine (nccaom). We can assist you with acupuncture, addictions, addictions treatment, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, colitis, common cold, constipation, dental pain, depression, diarrhea, digestive disorders, digestive trouble, dizziness, emotional problems, eye problems, facial palsy, facial tics, fatigue, fertility, headaches & migraines, hiccough, ibs, incontinence, indigestion, low back pain, menopause, menopause therapy, menstrual irregularities, morning sickness, nausea, osteoarthritis, pain management, pms management, reproductive problems, rhinitis, sciatica, seasonal affective disorder (sad) , shoulder pain, sinus problems, sinusitis, sleep disturbances, smoking cessation, stress management, tennis elbow, tonsillitis, tooth pain, trigeminal neuralgia, urinary problems, urinary tract infections, vomiting and wrist pain. We are a minority owned and female owned owned operation. We've served residential customers. Open for business tue 09:00 am-05:30 am,, wed 09:00 am-05:30 am,, thu 09:00 am-05:30 am, and sat 09:00 am-12:00 pm.


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