Featured Clinics
NEXT Dentistry in Salinas, CA |
Renal Care Group in Pensacola, FL |
Orion Medical Enterprises in Miami, FL |
Classic Dental in Winter Park, FL |
Da Vita Cinco Ranch in Katy, TX |
Intermountain Medical Imaging Center - Meridian in Boise, ID |
Southwest Mississippi Mental in Liberty, MS |
Davita Inc - Eagan Dialysis Unit in Saint Paul, MN |
Richardson Primary Care Clinic in Richardson, TX |
Fox Valley Wellness Center - Steven Meress MD in Fond Du Lac, WI |
Bay Springs Dialysis Clinic in Bay Springs, MS |
Providence Imaging Center in Anchorage, AK |
Human Performance Center in Alva, OK |
Eric Levin, PhD in Philadelphia, PA |
Marino ALEA Iglesias Clinica in Little Rock, AR |
Physical Therapy (PT) Clinic Directory
If you have undergone an accident that has left you injured, you may be in need of the services provided by physical therapy clinics. Physical therapy can help you work slowly through the process of healing your injury and work to regain the motor functions you lost as a result of your accident. Certain physical therapy clinics also have access to equipment and procedures that many other hospitals and doctors do not have due to the costs involved or the experimental nature involved. This is a great boon to any individual who needs specialized care that is hard to get elsewhere.
In addition, when you visit physical therapy clinics, often you will notice that you feel as if you are a person known by your name and not a number, as you are at large hospitals. For instance, doctors may come to know you by name on sight rather than having to recheck your chart to verify what your name is. For someone who may have lost the use of his or her legs, this can be a great emotional boost in confidence knowing that someone cares about your case and is working hard for you.
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